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 About the Blog 

We live in a world of mass production that leaves us with an unidentifiable sense of emptiness. It seems the only things that are truly relatable, truly ours, are the intimate stories of others. Or as one of my friends put it, ‘the specific is the universal.’


This blog is my specific experience of be-coming out. This blog is for anyone who doesn’t fit the ‘born this way’ narrative. This blog is for people who exist in a confused stage of becoming, rather than being. It is for those who don’t know how to define themselves, don’t want to define themselves, or ache for an illusory definition. This blog is for people who don’t want to deny or delegitimize their past experiences, but want to fully acknowledge and embrace their new ones.


As the norms of society slowly loosen, and people begin exploring the full universe of sexuality and gender,* I think more and more people will feel permission to be-come out. This experience can really shake you up. It sure shook me!


This blog will tell my particular story of be-coming out (often comical and awkward), and follow my story of continuing to be me (tbh, also often comical and awkward). To represent this, the blogs are organised into two categories in my own journey – becoming and being.


The name for this website came about by accident. I was doing an America’s Next Top Model full 22 season re-watch in 2015. I tried to refer to myself as a basic bitch, but with one Freudian slip, basic butch was born. I jokingly said I would buy the URL. Well, I follow through on my jokes, and here we are today.


*For some people, their sexuality and gender identity are interrelated, but for others they are not. It is your decision to define how they exist and relate in yourself! My experience is that of a cis woman with an evolving sexuality, and therefore that is the position from which I write. But I fully support and will defend anyone who is trans or identifies outside of the gender binary. If my be-coming out story helps you, then that is fab! 

~Thanks to Mahfam for web design help:


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